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电话: 0755-2801 6860
姓名: canuxi-nbi
National Bridge Industrial (S.Z.) Co., Ltd

  NBI IntroductionNational Bridge Industrial Holdings Ltd, hereafter short for NBI, is a Hong Kong company with more than 35 years experiences in spunbond nonwovens industry. Different from new set up companies, NBI has profound experiences in controlling stable quality products, trading in different countries. With 4 production bases in Shenzhen and Jiangxi, NBI has 20 production lines with 60,000 tons/per capacity. Products includes PP, SMMS, PE laminated, melt blown nonwovens and PET nonwovens

主要产品/业务: 无纺布类,口罩类,隔离衣/手术衣/防护服

National Bridge Industrial (S.Z.) Co., Ltd / 广东 / Phase 2, NBI Industrial Park, No. 5001-502, Sili Road, Guanlan L (518110) / 电话:0755-2801 6860

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